La Cupula Music
Social capital

In the current capital structure, the founding partners control 88 % of the shares. The corporate structure is as follows:

  • Maarten van Wijck (CEO - 34.81 %): expert in the development of digital models for the music industry.
  • José Luis Zagazeta (CFO - 34,81%): with extensive experience in the music industry.
  • Pedro Arnal Puente (CTO - 20%): expert in architecture and engineering development of IT structures.

In total 20 people involved in innovation, technology and business development make up the La Cupula Music Team. 

Project documents

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Investment proposal

Investment proposal summary:

Since the foundation in 2007 and with just one round of investment of € 65,000 in 2009, our company has been able to evolve the business to +1M euros in sales in 2015, generated from a diverse range of channels and services. Business development has been continuous with investments from value generation and and sales results.

Now is a crucial and very timely moment to be able to capture a significant market share- so it is necessary to accelerate growth and technological development. We are looking for an investment of 300,000 euros, in exchange for a 10% stake in the company capital.

Reasons to invest:

Duplication of revenue every year since 2012.

La Cupula Music is well established as a brand in the Spanish and Latin American markets.

Unique B2B2C model.

Servicing 30,000 artists from around the world through Musicxip Tenants and La Cupula Music.

Musicxip is the core business of more than 30 companies worldwide offering digital music distribution services.

Direct contract and and supply of content to more 30 leading digital music channels including Spotify, Tidal, Deezer, Shazam, YouTube and Apple Music.

Management with experience and know-how of over than 15 years in Digital Music and software development.

Investment will be used for:

Additional development staff (60%).

Marketing and Sales (40%).

Investment objectives:

Achieve 60 tenants at the end of the year.

Increase our presence in 20 countries through inbound marketing strategy.

Milestones to be reached with the funds obtained:

Development Goals: API, detailed analytical royalties, AutomaticQuality Control, scalable backoffice for Tenants, promotional tools in social media.

Prepare the company for the next round of investment with the goal of further developing Musicxip, invest in collaborations/key partners and expanding service offerings.


The exit plan is to sell the company to a direct competitor or a great “ player” in the music market, interested in acquiring technology platform and direct connection with online music channels, in addition to the international catalog of artists and labels.

Mobile Phone providers, Internet Services providers, Aggregators and major labels can be possible acquisition partners.

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